ISO 1250, aperture 2.8, and a shutter speed of .3 seconds
This was our starting place and the first time we took a picture with the 580 flash in the car. The lighting was horrible so we moved to a darker place in the park so we could mess with the lighting a little more. All of these images were taken with a 17-50mm lens. This picture is horrible!
ISO 200, aperture 2.8, and a shutter speed of 1/4th of a second
In this image, we had moved to our newer location in a darker part at Spring Lake Park. We attempted multiple times to get a creeper shadow on the car, but the shadow was too large. The brightness of the flash was another fault.
ISO 500, aperture 2.8, and a shutter speed of 1/8th of a second
The point of showing this image was because of the lighting of the inside of the car with the couple. Everything else was still too dark with the lighting. The inside of the car is exactly how we want it in our final creeper. We tried multiple times, but the flashes were being jankey along with the lighting. In the back, you can slightly see our creeper. This was our closest image to the creeper!!
ISO 500, aperture 2.8, and a shutter speed of 1/8th of a second
The lighting is horrible, but we like the lighting of our creeper in the back of this one. We spent like 3 hours on this image, and we will try again! And get EVERYTHING right, instead of bits and pieces.