Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Words that Hurt

ISO 200, aperture 9.0, and a shutter speed of 1/200th of a second

This picture was needed last minute for newspaper. The story was about bullying and the staff needed a simple image. I set the background on high key and lit Woods with a parabolic umbrella. At first she covered her mouth with a hand, then I got Caroline to put her hand on Wood's mouth (which looked even weirder),  and finally I found some tape. The picture with just the tape was boring, so Claire wrote "words that hurt" on the tape. The tape was edited with changing the contrast in Lightroom to make the tape pop. The picture turned out awesome in the black and white paper. Next time I take a picture like this, I want the words to look different (they look too edited). I used a 17-50mm lens.

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