Wednesday, February 27, 2013

lots of headshots

ISO 400, aperture 8.0, and a shutter speed of 1/160th of a second

This was my favorite environmental portrait. It was really sunny outside, so exposing all the bagillion headshots I took today correctly was not fun. I used the 24-105mm lens. This kid, Reece Griffen, can sing soooooo well!! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

another high key, but of a can...

Both of these images were taken with a 17-50mm lens. Settings were: ISO 200, aperture 9.0, and a shutter speed of 1/200th of a second. Today Jacob came up to me during newspaper and told me he needed a picture of a can for online. He needed a picture of the front and the back. These images are going to be cut-outs, so I shot the can on high-key. Honestly, I'm getting so tired of high-key pictures. Over half of my pictures are high-key because that's pretty much all newspaper asks photography for. Hopefully, it'll change soon.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Newspaper Contest

Today I organized and printed contest pictures that will be entered into a newspaper contest. There is a category for online and print, each with five separate photograph categories. I looked through everyones pictures that have been pushed to the x-serve for newspaper and picked out the best ones for each category. It took quite a while! Some of the categories were hard to find pictures that were published on the online site or published in our printed newspapers of the last year. I learned how to use the new printers, and they all look amazing! I organized everything for Mrs. Potter before I gave all the pictures to her. I'm excited to see how the contest goes! All the pictures that were entered were great and hopefully will stand out for the judges!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Deadline Week

This entire week has been very stressful because the 4th issue of the newspaper went to print and now there is a bunch of pictures that need to be done for the online newspaper. So I've been working on that all day. Nothing has been updated on the site, but that's not my fault.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Neat color scheme for the doubletruck

ISO 100, aperture 1.8, and a shutter speed of 1/320th of a second

The layout of this picture was Smith's idea, but it was Claire's idea to have an "A+" punched in through the target. Setting up everything for this picture and getting everything positioned right took a while. My dad and I punched out holes in the target and hung it up on a tree with a twisty-tie. My dad was positioned in the back with a gun in his right hand. I really like how this picture was taken and the color scheme. This picture was taken with a 50mm lens. I love the ivy in the image.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

gray background headshot

ISO 160, aperture 8.0, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

This was my first gray background headshot I shot for yearbook; it was very simple. At first, the autofocus wasn't working... but eventually it started working. boo-yah! I like taking headshots of gingers because they are easy to light correctly! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Boys Varsity Soccer

ISO 800, aperture 4.0, and a shutter speed of 1/160th of a second

 Claire was scheduled to shoot this game, and I went to watch the game with some of my friends. The second half of the game, Claire let me shoot for a little bit. This is my favorite picture out of like the 15 pictures I took. This image was taken with a bigma. It's not great, but it's in focus. My shutter speed should have been at least 250th of a second for less blur.