Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Book Cover Project

ISO 100, aperture 16, and a shutter speed 1/250th of a second

This book cover image to forever to figure out! The recreation of the cover was defiantly difficult. I used a 17-80 lens, a 580 flash, and a snoot. At first I had the flash on the right side of them, but the lighting was mainly on the girl on the right. I needed the girl whispering to have most of the lighting, so I put the flash on the left side. This fixed my problem, and I was able to light up the two correctly. This image doesn't match the book cover perfectly, but I really liked the shadow on Claire's (the girl on the right) eyelashes.

ISO 100, aperture 4.0, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

I wanted to recreate this book cover of the paper men because it was different and unique. I learned how to use the light meter which helped me a lot with figuring out my settings. I used a 580 flash, a snoot, and a 50mm lens. I had to move the flash with the snoot around a lot in order to get the shadows right. My recreation isn't perfect, but I learned a more about how lighting and shadows worked.

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