Thursday, September 27, 2012

Idea for TOP

Hailey Woods and I decided to group up together to create an idea for TOP. The theme photography has chosen is "The Town that Dread Sundown," which is about a phantom killer. Our idea involves the murder of a couple in a car. The couple had been taken out one at a time and killed by the man in a mask. We've decided that we want a light from behind a oldish car in order to show the "dead" guy in the car. The car will have its lights on and maybe have a smoke machine under the car. Outside of the car, the dying girl will have a blood stain (made from a dyed sheet). There will be another light behind the creeper/phantom in order to create a shadow of him. This photo will be shot will a wide angle lens. This picture will be a cookie cutter type instead of a silloute.

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