Thursday, April 11, 2013

Man on the Street

 ISO 160, aperture 8.0, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

This picture was taken for fun when I was setting up the lighting for the "Man on the Street" column. I just had to put this picture on my blog because it's so awkward. I adore these too, and this photo is defiantly going on the slideshow at the publications' banquet. I used a 17-50mm lens.

ISO 160, aperture 8.0, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

This image is for the actual "Man on the Street" column. There wasn't much to the picture, but I'm getting more comfortable in awkward situations which is a good thing. This girl was really sweet. It was easy taking this picture along with three others because the lighting was already set up correctly. I used a 17-50mm lens.

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