Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Promote Cheating Picture

ISO 1000, aperture 4.0, and a shutter speed of 1/200th of a second

The assignment was for a story an editor is writing for how teachers give so many worksheets that students are beginning to resort to cheating. The picture was suppose to capture busy work and students working together with no faces and hands/arms. I really like this image because it goes along with the story so well. The picture was taken with a 17-50mm lens. I stood on a chair behind these students and hovered over them to the image. The lighting in the room was great, so the picture turned out perfect! 

All during photography today I've been making sure assignments that were recently assigned have been taken or are in the process of being taken. I went with Carlie to make sure the got the right horticulture picture, and I've been keeping Potter updated on what's being pushed after things are taken. I have a lot to do this week since the fifth newspaper issue is due Friday. AHHHH!!!! On the positive side, everything is almost done and I'm on top of it all, so it will be done with fabulous images from our lovely photography staff.

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