Monday, March 25, 2013

Writing on a Chalkboard Phobia

 ISO 800, aperture 2.8, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

ISO 800, aperture 2.8, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

Both of these images were taken by Riley Madlock. Riley and Sabrina asked me to come with them since I knew what Mrs. Potter wanted. This was their second time shooting the assignment because the first time was a complete fail. This time they took a 580 flash and took the picture with the band hall's chalkboard. Laura's reaction wasn't posed, which is what made the picture. The first image was the one they used because my back in the second one is too distracting even though Laura is in focus. Both of these images were taken with a 17-50mm lens. I like the lighting in these images and I'm glad I got to help Riley and Sabrina out!

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