Monday, February 13, 2012

cool idea, but such a fail...

 ISO 100, aperture 4.0, bulb

The idea of this image was to get a picture of the old Catholic church down town and have an orb in front of the door. I didn't have a tripod when I took this picture, but I compromised with a cardboard cylinder and class square on top. The idea didn't work because the lights on the church were way too bight. You can still see the orb created in front of the church doors, but barely. I used a 17-50mm lens.

ISO 100, aperture 4.0, bulb

This idea was really creepy. John David and I were on our way down State Line on the way to the old Catholic when we spotted the creepy grave yard. We were both really creeped out, but I hated walking across the graveyard the most. This picture is in focus, but dark. I should of told John David to hold the button down for a longer to capture more light since it was so dark outside. We were already late to the STUCO meeting when we took this picture, so we had to hurry. It is kind of cool though. I used a 17-50mm lens.

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