Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Last Minute Assignment

ISO 1600, aperture 3.5, and a shutter speed of 1/30th of a second

Today has been extremely stressful for the yearbook staff. There were a lot of photo assignments that had to get done today because of the deadline for the actual yearbook. The assignment for this photo was to take a picture of a student watching a historical video in a classroom. At first, I used a 28-75mm lens which didn't work because I needed a wider angle in order to get Evan and the movie in the frame with Evan in focus. I ended up using a 10-24mm lens, which had a wider frame. I used a 430 flash, 2 pocket wizards, a light stand, and a snoot in order to get the lighting. Getting the lighting the way I wanted it was the most difficult part of taking this photograph.

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