Monday, January 28, 2013

How to Shoot a Meeting and Newspaper Situation

For starters, there were still 12 photo assignments not done and they were needed before February 7th. I was not happy. Then, I was looking over the rosebuds photos that were taken at the last meeting to pick one out that would go up on the online newspaper, and they were horrible. So today at the beginning of class I talked about how it was ridiculous that photo assignments were assigned two weeks ago, and they were still not done. I talked about how the photographers who haven't gotten their stuff done should be like Ndidi because she ALWAYS has her stuff done a couple of days after I assign it. After that little gripe-out, I went over the rosebuds pictures. I discussed that all picture should consist of the officers talking, the sponsor talking, the rosebuds girls' reactions, and anything and everything that was going on (like roll call and the girls eating snacks and talking before the meetings). After the discussion everyone was clear on how to shoot meetings! It was a productive day today. There are only 4 assignments left and the events haven't happened for pictures to be taken. So, it's all good!! :)

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