Friday, January 11, 2013

THS vs. Mt. Pleasant varsity basketball

 ISO 1600, aperture 5.6, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

I took this picture at the boy's varsity basketball game against Mt. Pleasant. I really like all the action going on in this image. I like how "number 1" is catching/throwing the ball from/to "number 15." I wish there wasn't a shadow on "number 15" and he was in focus with "number 1." I liked this image mainly because it looks different and it's at a different perspective. 

ISO 1600, aperture 5.6, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

I loveeeee this image!!!! I love his facial expression and how the motion is captured. I don't like the guys leg in the image though...

Both of these images were shot with a 17-50mm lens. Also, the basketball lighting was already set up by the other photographers who were shooting the freshman and JV game. 

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