Thursday, January 17, 2013

Zierre Spotlight

ISO 400, aperture 11.0, and a shutter speed of 1/250th of a second

This image was taken for the yearbook. They are doing stories/spotlights on a single person out of each grade. It had to be cut out, so this picture was taken on high key. I really wish Smith's idea about putting paint on the drum and Zierre hitting the drum would have worked, but the paint would destroy the school drum. My idea of Zierre tossing a drum stick in the air and me capturing all of the spins couldn't work either because it would have needed to be done on a black background and the picture needed to get done. So, I ended up asking him to just bouncing the drumstick off of the drum and capturing the drumstick in the air. I used a 17-50mm lens.

1 comment:

  1. make sure to use a brush tool to make the bottom of your images white instead of grey if it is supposed to be hi key
